luke foulds

Documentation of  ‘Surface Tension’ 2024
Small excerpt from documentary of ‘Surface Tension’ 2024. Full film coming soon.

Screenshots from the documentary of ‘Surface Tension’ 2024

Photograph of performance peice ‘Surface Tension’ 2024

  Photograph of performance peice ‘Surface Tension’ 2024
Photograph of performance peice ‘Surface Tension’ 2024
‘my past mistakes...’ 2024
‘my past mistakes...’ 2024

‘Dasein’(2023) & ‘can’t seem to find the time...’ (2024)

‘Dasein’ (2023)

‘Dasein’ (2023)

A page from my book titled ‘Dasein’(2023).

80 Pages long.

‘All pervasive pain’ (2023) - Installed in the studio for the end of year show in 2023.

‘Revolutions’ (2023) - Installed in the studio for the end of year show in 2023.

‘Revolutions’ (2023) - Installed in the studio for the end of year show in 2023.

‘Cymatics’ - Luke Foulds & Aurora Fleming (2022)