AM EASY15 – 24 April 2024

Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam. Explore a collection of works created at lightning speed over an intense two week period. Repetition is the resurgence of a distant memory... Extraction, accumulation, destruction. Art born out of art. Re-used, re-cycled, re-materialised, re-ordered. I wanted the rawness and the authenticity to come through my photos. I feel they are capturing pure moments within my weekend away, they arent perfect and thats exactly what i wanted. Salt, white, green, and red pepper, vinegar preserve and deconstruct unfolding thoughts. Kites draw lines on a cloudy canvas, where nostalgia flows, where depression grows, how sharp the wind must blow. Pseudo-c*nt has landed in my backyard and crushed my azaleas. 

Click upon the name of each artist to visit their page, or browse at your leisure by simply scrolling down to explore the outcome of our collective labour.

Kristina Nenova

Courtney Burkinshaw

Robyn Butterworth

Weekend in Kendal, disposable photos.
Olivia Butler Fagbohun

                  RITULIZED PERFOMANCE 

Dani Ingham & Olli Tipling



Jasmine Easton-Cooper

Shop window in Amsterdam
text based installation

“My installation for the White column centers around my mental health and my current feelings towards various aspects of my life.
I wrote some of the text previously but I came up with most of it when I was in space, I feel like this gave the installation a performative edge.

To say I felt observed whilst I was creating this installation would be an understatement; the large glass windows and beaming sunlight made me feel like I was in a fish tank or like I was in a shop window in Amsterdam.
Putting on a show whilst people are watching and reading about your very real emotions from the otherside of a glass wall felt very visceral and grotesquely disconnected. I didn’t like this aspect and it made me feel like something was lost in the writing when viewed from the outside; the fact that it took me 5 hours to create and install and 10 minutes to tear down also took body away from the text, it made it seem inconsequential and trivial. Now it exists purely on a website, adds another layer on top of what it was to begin with and moves the viewer even further away from the rawness and emotionality of the text.”

Polly Murphy

luke foulds

Documentation of  ‘Surface Tension’ 2024
Small excerpt from documentary of ‘Surface Tension’ 2024. Full film coming soon.

Screenshots from the documentary of ‘Surface Tension’ 2024

Photograph of performance peice ‘Surface Tension’ 2024

  Photograph of performance peice ‘Surface Tension’ 2024
Photograph of performance peice ‘Surface Tension’ 2024
‘my past mistakes...’ 2024
‘my past mistakes...’ 2024

‘Dasein’(2023) & ‘can’t seem to find the time...’ (2024)

‘Dasein’ (2023)

‘Dasein’ (2023)

A page from my book titled ‘Dasein’(2023).

80 Pages long.

‘All pervasive pain’ (2023) - Installed in the studio for the end of year show in 2023.

‘Revolutions’ (2023) - Installed in the studio for the end of year show in 2023.

‘Revolutions’ (2023) - Installed in the studio for the end of year show in 2023.

‘Cymatics’ - Luke Foulds & Aurora Fleming (2022)

Paul Tranter

The Legend of Tsar Sultan

The following images document the performances and installations made by  MA Fine Art student Paul Tranter over 12 hours on Thursday 17 April 2024.

The performance and installations were inspired by the gift of ninety eight plates in protective packaging boxes by Ivan Jones to the Leeds School of Arts who hoped that: ‘someone will find a use for them’.

The title of the exhibition is taken from a hand written note by Ivan on one of the boxes.

The three paintings hanging on the gallery walls are works by the artist from previous White Column shows and were installed to give the work ‘Ninety Eight Plates’ the sense that it was taking place in a gallery with a current exhibition in place.

The exhibition starts with the installation of ‘Ninety Eight Plates’ as a stack on top of a plinth accompanied by two stacks of protective packaging boxes, adding three new columns to the White Column gallery.

Everything else in the exhibiton is inspired by the subsequent toppling of the plates.

‘Ninety Eight Plates (and two box stacks)’

‘Ninety Eight Plates (the crash)’

‘Ninety Eight Plates (the smash)’









‘Made in Japan’

‘Ninety Eight Plates’